Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Life's Too Short

'Life's Too Short' is a phrase you often hear. It's a phrase that's heard when you can't make a decision on something, usually a treat, that has you battling the extra expense etc.

I'm facing such a battle at the moment.

Regular readers will know that last January, when I was 27 weeks pregnant with TC, we went to Orlando, Florida for 3 weeks. It was incredible. None of us wanted to come home, even after 3 weeks.

It was a fairly last minute decision for such a big holiday. A lot of people plan a trip over there years in advance but we booked it just a couple of months before. The thing about my husband is, he sees an opportunity and he grabs it with both hands. The company where he worked (he's since left) has a number of gorgeous houses and condos he could get for less than £100 a week - we are talking 3 and 4 bedrooms with swimming pools. He thought, once TC, was born it would be at least another 2 or 3 years, if not a lot longer, before we could do anything like it again so he went for it.

He's now looking at going back...

...this year!

I knew this January would be a bit hard. It's the anniversary of our trip and he keeps reliving it - as we all do. Even MC still talks about it now! I can't watch the videos of our trip without getting emotional about it all.

Anyway, it's no secret, Matt and I absolutely love to travel and since having children our travels have been slightly less adventurous - opting for a villa in Lanzarote or a farm in Tuscany over a Route 66 road trip or the Arctic Circle to see the Northern Lights. America is a great love of ours. We've been to many States (we both have family over there) and so to get the chance to go to Florida was a big treat!

The thing is, he can still get the cheap accommodation as he has a few shares in his old company so he logged on last night, on a whim, to check availability.

"Hey, if it's all booked then it wasn't meant to be" he laughed.

I'd heard this before. This is exactly how the conversation went just before we booked the last trip!

"It looks like the condo is available in May for 3 weeks".


He then says he better just double check with them and drops them an email.

Then he's online looking at costs of flights and car hire. I go to bed last night with my head spinning.

6am this morning I'm woken by his voice.

"They've emailed me back. Those weeks are available".

I'm having quite a hard time with what to do for the best. I didn't think we'd be going again until maybe just before TC's 3rd birthday (the same age MC was when we took her), if not longer. I would love to go - it's an incredible place - but TC will only be 13/14 months old. I know he'd love it but he won't remember a thing about it. I'm not worried about the flights as, apart from the odd bout of bad teething, he's the worlds most chilled out little baby but I am worried about the heat for him.

However, one thing is eating away at me.

One thing is telling me to stop being silly and just DO IT!

A couple of weeks after we got back last time I wrote a post 'A Beginners Guide To Orlando And Walt Disney World'. It was a post that sparked quite a bit of attention and discussion on my blog and across Twitter. Funnily enough, it's a post that has been my 'most popular post' for the last couple of weeks. When I saw it pop to the top the other week I began to think about the people who were using it to plan their trips. Then I started to scroll through the comments.

One stuck out a mile and had me crying at my laptop.


Multiple Mummy comment

A comment left by Kerry (aka Multiple Mummy) who passed away at the age of 30 (with 3 children all under the age of 5) only a month ago.

I haven't told Matt yet but Kerry's words are getting to me.

You really never know what's round the corner.

Matt and I are going to talk it over tonight and make a decision but something tells me that life is definitely too short to let opportunities pass you by.


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